Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Young Justice Season 1 Episode 26: Auld Acquaintance

Young Justice Season 1 Episode 26: Auld Acquaintance

Click here to download the episode in high quality: Download


  1. We've watched all of season one here on this site-thanks, One and Only Leo!!!

  2. i love to say about the ,,young justices cartoon ,may be with the time line jump that,s way they meet red hood at first

  3. and just let red hood come,s to term,s if he what,s to come to term,s about being evil ,or to work with the ,young justices side

  4. and just let red hood come,s to term,s if he what,s to come to term,s about being evil ,or to work with the ,young justices side

  5. i love to say about the ,,young justices cartoon ,may be with the time line jump that,s way they meet red hood at first

  6. The more important question is what's vandel a d the light planning to do


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